Royal Medic
Royal Medic Pure Chinese Cs-4 (御藥堂培植蟲草菌絲體Cs-4)
- 關注清肝保肝人士
- 關注精神壓力及失眠人士
- 關注心臟血管問題人士
- 關注脫髮美容人士
- 關注上呼吸道氣管問題人士
- 關注腎功能人士
10 Benefits of Pure Chinese Cs-4
- Improve sleeping quality
- Improve nasal allergic symptoms
- Enrich the Yin and kidney
- Promote health of liver
- Promote health of lung and upper respiratory tract
- Promote health of kidney
- Nourish and promote skin health
- Promote health of cardiovascular system
- Improve immunity
- Facilitate recovery after treatment
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